Have at least a few level 3 whip spider before wave 38 and 39.Wave 32 to 37 attack at a low interval.If you have well-upgraded bite you can get lvl 2 whip spiders before wave 30 as well. Start upgrading whip spiders after wave 31 onwards.If you have not taken venom pool, let them come closer to you towers and use crippling venom allowing your towers to attack them before they get boosted. In case of wave 30, if you have taken venom pool, use crippling venom to slow them down and use venom pool before then reach your tower and get boosted.Get at least 3 whip spiders before the uber devil's coach horse arrives.Get at least 2 taunt before the uber hermit crab arrives.Wave 15, 20, 26 and 31 are very critical waves.

Upgrade them as soon as you can to get more spiders and grow a larger web.

Slow them down with Crippling venom, then lure them over the venom puddle to damage them over time. Kill all normal creatures in the order of objectives to gain level and upgrade your abilities.Tougher enemies have nasty abilities so don't fight them head on. Bite and Devour are mostly useful during early game.Venom pool is your main form of attack thanks to its range and passive damage. Crippling Venom lets you outrun the Ubers and prevents them from abusing their abilities. Focus on Crippling venom and Venom Pool.