These days, the faction is not just strong, it’s arguably broken. This is another one of those factions that used to be very weak until it received a number of buffs and changes in Immortal Empires. The Caravan of the Blue Rose is a Vampire Counts faction led by Helman Ghorst. *The Legion of the Gorequeen is unlocked via the Champions of Chaos DLC from Total War: Warhammer 3. To top it all off, Valkia also starts off with a reasonably strong army that can make short work of any early game opposition. Both Valkia and her faction have passive effects that give you extra campaign movement range, allowing you to cover more ground in one turn than most other Legendary Lords. The Legion of the Gorequeen has a pretty easy starting position up in the northern Chaos Wastes, with no major factions that can challenge your expansion in the early game. Related: Total War: Warhammer 3 DLC Buying Guide For Immortal Empires Armies like this are easy to control on the battlefield, as is Valkia herself since she doesn’t use magic. The faction is aligned with Khorne and her armies consist mostly of hard-hitting infantry units and monsters. All Warriors of Chaos factions are pretty strong right now but the Legion of the Gorequeen is a bit better than most for beginners. The Legion of the Gorequeen is a Warriors of Chaos faction led by Valkia the Bloody.